Protein, fibre & nutrient packed! The sweetness of the banana and mango are the perfect fruits to accompany the superfood spirulina. Spirulina is the protein and mineral packed superfood. “It is my go-to when I need an immune boost. If I feel a cold coming along, I literally drink this with 1 litre of water throughout the day – it makes a big difference”.

You'll Need:
250 ml almond milk (or any milk of your choice)
2 handfuls of kale or spinach
1 banana
Half a mango/ handful of mango chunks
1 tbsp of spirulina
Optional: ½ tsp honey
Mix the ingredients in a blender until it’s smooth. Add more milk if you prefer your smoothies thinner. Pour into a glass and digest!
Spirulina increases the production of antibodies and white blood cells which fights germs and prevents illness!